Project Inspiration - Follow us on Pinterest
Want to get inspired? Beautiful things are possible. Follow us on our new Core Glow Pinterest for the best project advice, inspiration photos, and more. For a little taste we've put together a few of our favourite ideas here.
1. Aqua Splash: custom made faux waterfall backsplash and countertop. Source: Woohome.
Deep Blue Mysteries: ocean topography turned 3D art. This stunning feature table created from layers of perfectly hand-cut press board, resin, and blue tinting. Source: Eastern Design Office
The Emerald Ceiling of Shah Cherag (Persian for 'King of Light'): a hidden treasure of Shiraz, Iran. This funerary monument and mosque is a holy place of worship and draws visitors and pilgrimagers from around the world. Legend tells of a time when light was seen emanating from the graveyard. Ever since the area has been a highly regarded spiritual pilgrimmage site, and over the centuries the Shah Cherag gradually became the towering splendour it is today. Source: Bored Panda, Wiki
Ocean Blue Epoxy Floor: paint, epoxy, and blue glow powder. A smoky mist during the day becomes a shimmering ethereal oases at night. Source: Concrete Flooring Lake Ozark
* feature image is custom made Dale Chihuly hand-blown glass. For more of his formidable work visit his website.
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